A Collection of URU Live Information by mtn'man (Greg)
Myst Online : URU Live again (MO:ULa)

Myst Online: URU Online Live lives again! The faithful kept hope alive that "perhaps the ending has not yet been written." We are fortunate that Cyan Worlds has opened URU back up to the fans yet again. The content released with the GameTap version of the game is all included in the current release. There is even some new content created by fans added in 2020. Cyan continues to focus on other projects, but some amount of time is being given to the current release as needed. They are asking for donations for this release, but game play is free to all that would like to see what it is like. I like that move. If you want to play, please donate to keeping the servers running. Click here to download the newest game files and to donate!
In 2010, Cyan had hoped the next incarnation would be URU Live "M.O.R.E.", or the "Myst Online Restoration Experiment", but economic downturn force that to be put on hold. Cyan released the source code for the game to some developers out there. No new content is promised at this point from Cyan Worlds, but they have said that they will proceed with user generated content. A structure is working out with the OpenURU.org Minkata Shard, the Guild of Writers' Ghen Shard and others regarding fan age creation and testing. The fans will now truly continue to keep URU Live alive. Ironically, holding true to the D'ni way of life which involved creating worlds for their society, the new explorers of the worlds of the D'ni will now carry on the tradition and the art of writing ages and will continue the spirit and the structure of the D'ni Universe. The future, of D'ni and of Myst Online, now really comes down to the efforts of the fans. Donate, donate, donate!
Being one of the faithful, and knowing these fans as I do, I have great optimism for the future.
The Myst Online site is the place to find out any new information. I hope to see you in the cavern soon!
mtn'man - |
KI #2387555 |
MOULa -- Myst Online URU Live (again) |
mtn-man - |
KI #10460486 |
MOULa -- Myst Online URU Live (again) |
TieDyeWILD - |
KI #10380697 |
MOULa -- Myst Online URU Live (again) |
mtn'man - |
KI #291124 |
Minkata Shard -- OpenURU.org |
mtn'man - |
KI #437836 |
Deep Island Shard -- Guild of Writers |

The Myst Series games I have played:
Myst, Myst Masterpiece, and realMyst
Riven -- the sequel to Myst
Myst 3 -- Exile
Myst 4 -- Revelation
Myst 5 -- End of Ages
URU -- Ages Beyond Myst, To D'ni and The Path of the Shell (Complete Chronicles)
URU Live (the original online game that ended 2-10-04)
Until URU (frequenting Tapestry as mtn'man, member of T.A.G., the Tapestry Activity Group)
Myst Online -- URU Live Open Beta on GameTap
Myst Online -- URU Live (2-15-2007 thru 4-10-2008)
MO:ULa -- Myst Online: URU Live (again), Cyan's MOULa server,
also the Minkata Testing Server and The Deep Island Shard
The "DIRT Decent" Demo and the "Hector Cove" Demo
I also played the Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time, from Presto and Red Orb (credits on Riven and Exile). I've played with The Manhole (on GameTap). I was a Kickstarter backer for Obduction, got the cool t-shirt to prove it (LOL). It took four years before I had a computer fast enough to run it though. It was nice to finally play.
NOTE: Right as Cyan Worlds looked like they were going to close, I grabbed the URL for www.untiluru.com since it was available. As Cyan began the journey leading to the second version of URU Live in 2006, I wrote asking if they wanted the URL. They said I could keep it! I created an area for screenshots and tutorials and general goodies from the URU game.